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You sound so happy Jen! Glad everything in your life is going so well - you deserve it. Enjoy your new job. Emma x


Jen, I'm just SO pleased for you, hun. That is great news about your mum - onwards and upwards. And please do post a pic of your new 'do' :) xx


enjoy your new camera, I heard good things about the coolpix,
I can't wait to see what your new hairstyle look like
I love to shop but I have been shopping like crazy for work
come to realise I don't have an really nice stuff to go out in
hopefully you are not like me, lol


Really glad the job is going well, it sounds like you are settling in already!


I hope you like your new camera!


So so truly happy for you my dear friend! Love to hear good news! And have fun with the new camera! :)

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