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I am so glad it went well. You have done your time and earned this so much


Glad it was such a great first day :) :)


Glad you had a good first day Jen:) It's always great to get that one out of the way!


Glad you had a great 1st day!!!!!!


Oh Jen, it sounds like you had a great day - I am so pleased - bet it is a huge relief to have that out of the way.


congrats on your first day, at least it was a good one


Wow it sounds fabulous, can you get me a job!
Glad you seem to have fitted in straight away!


I am so sorry i wasn't able to wish you good luck or comment on your first day. we have been without internet access. So glad it went well.


Sooo happy for you! See? In the end, things can only get better! Smiling for you today!


So glad your first day went well, and it sounds so posh!!

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