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Wonderful News Jen. So glad you are going to see your mum!
Claires hair looks fab :)


Oh this is great Jen you finally go to your mom. So glad you have the oppertunity to go now. Hope you have a fab time with mom


Paula (Pod)

Great great news about the tickets Jen!! It'll be lovely to spend some quality time with your Mum.

You don't fancy doing Rebecca's hair do you, I can't do cornrows to save my life!!!


Jen, that's good news about your holiday to France, and your Mum will be so pleased to see you both. Love the cool flipflops and Claire's hair.

Still thiking about you and your interview, I don't kow the date, but I have everything crossed for you!


Hey there, I thought I had already posted something here, don't know what happened to it. Anyway, happy about the news of your visit to your mom....have fun!

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