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Jen, sorry to hear that, but keep going Hun, the right job will come along, you just got to keep trying, don't give up.

Sally Rouse

Bad luck, Jen but good luck too! Everything crossed that this one is THE one.


I'm gutted for you! I know something will turn up soon though.


I am so sorry you didn't get it but also kind of glad as I KNOW there will be a better one just around the corner and - as you say - that one will be RIGHT!


Sorry to hear you didn't get the job. But as you say, things happen for a reason. so better luck next time Jen :)



You are right, things happen for a reason....I wish you all the best on the other ones that you are waiting to hear and the new one that just came up!


Sorry you didn't get it Jen, they don't knwo what they're missing

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